
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Outfit named and completed. Some News

I do have some bad news, about two days ago my entire oblivion was somehow wiped all the mods and for some reason my folder structure was completely gone. I had to try everything and lost it all. The good news is that I am very prudent and had a tendency to overdue my backing up so I managed to recover most, I have scrapped all the outfit mods I have. Now all I have are my own outfits, a couple of conversions and Speedbusters collections (of course) and a few clothing mods. My movement's are 50% back but for some reason when I die and revive my wep is not in my hand and the aiming system is messed up and I am trying to remember what if anything is supposed to fix that ><.
I think the culprit was Oblivion Mod Manager, I was messing around with it the other day and when I accidentally opened it all the first mods I downloaded about a year ago when I got into Oblivion got scrapped (Maybe I am the culprit) none the less I am slowly back on track so there is some good in all of this bad news.

Now for some OK News,

I finally finished my outfit and even finally came up with a name for it.
The outfit itself is going to be known as the Seductive Frill Skirt Set.  The outfit is not armor atm but I will be probably releasing an armored variant in the future, for now though I will probably be mostly making 2nd versions of my clothing that are armor and has armor states. Keep in mind that the armor sets will be less flexible and will only come in the Top pieces combined, Bottom Pieces Combined.  Now some advice if you want to make the clothing into Armor you can always use the Custom Smith Hammer this mod is recommended with my mods since I so far have focused on clothing. This mod will allow armor properties to be added to clothing. I persoanlly have it but yet to utilize it because I am a death/survival fan and use a character with 1 HP (Video to be uploaded on how I survive one day).

Now back to the set, I will try to do stress tests using Dance Synchronizer, basically dancing mods are a good way to see the clippage same for poser mods, these mods tend to cause clippage more then regular movements. Keep in mind sometimes modders mods will clip with your movement styles, I persoanlly check my clippage to my personal combo of movement styles. So in the future if you have clippage let me know (ofc it has to be in reasonable constraints) I had clippage when I did ONE move on the VERY expressive Classy Panty Set, when doing a strong attack with a great sword but it was so minor I felt it is not worth compromising the shape of the panties or ass for. Now back to the outfit, here is a video of the outfit in action. Notice I made some fishnets, they are still not where I want them to be so might be scrapped for Alpha and then put back in for Beta/ Official Release.

Sui Seductive Frill Skirt Stress Test by happysparkle

Another thing to note, I am kind of torn between the way I will have my outfits put into the game, I may be RSVPing a spot in Imperial City to teleport people to a tiny very useless but very useful land. What it will be is a basic little area where people can either purchase my clothing or open boxes in a room, I have to think on it tough. I will probably expand on it cause I always wanted to make my own map. This may not happen this year but the mini simple version might like an empty warehouse with boxes and boxes, keep in mind if I do do that it will be the ONLY way to access my clothing/ armor mods so you would have to download it and it will be available and noted on each mod. It will be patched modly (when ever there is a new mod). Even when this does happen (IF) it will not be that way for alpha testers, I want alpha testers to utilize the mods right away, with the knowledge that the alpha ESP is to be deleted once the official is out and they can keep the outfit (if I keep the ESP the same). More on that in the future. My next mod will be one of 3 things (My Spider Set, Continued work on the BIG PROJECT which I sidelined for quite sometime, or a little quick Valentines day Mod) We will see :).

-HS :)

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