
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

WIP Dragon themed outfit(?) 1/26/15

So lately, I've been really tempted to make a Qipao, but for some reasons the mood to do so has never truly kicked in. I am the type that typically mods by my mood. So most likely fullback panties and super short skirts kick in. Today's no exception. Last night I was thinking about what I wanted to do mod wise as I've done only 3 meshes since I've come back to modding (A skirt, a bra and a pair of panties). This was nothing notable either, just something I did for the heck of doing so.

Here's where things get interesting. I've decided that I need to get my flow back, and after making the panties (Sorry but they will not be released in the current state as they exhibit an something that I am sure no one would really like that others might not).

None the less, I've spent the majority of Yesterday and Saturday playing in Blender to make this. The skirt and Corset are so far only available in one color. I really got into the red dragon theme. Though, when I read about how Chinese find the Dragons as a Legendary creature in a sense, it really got me going. Also, the color red is associated with good luck in Chinese culture as it is associated with mostly good. (Good fortune, joy and often associated with holidays and in many cases gifts are wrapped in the red as well.) It is also my color of choice so if anyone has ever noticed, I always have a red somewhere in my mods. None the less, this is not important but it is because red is hot.

The Corset

 The corset was inspired by my old mod and my obsession with thick hips and thighs and small waist. As it is well known, the original use of corsets, before being tossed in the sex industry as a form of erotical sexual masochism, whips and chains, was to train the woman's or man's body to form a smaller waist this could be for both physical and medical reasons. The corset style now adays is more fashionable and in theory, I've used it for that. It looks good and is not finished yet. I was tempted to make the waist of the SuiGuts even smaller when wearing this set, but I figured it would cause compatibility issues and I am trying to keep my current mods fitting with my older ones, though in release, I may make a 1 piece as a special outfit and it might even have its own weighting to it to give it more of a traditional feel to it. I guess that explains why I like it. Corsets were once used to obtain the figure that I like so much. Don't be surprised if you see more of them in my future mods as I get better. This is technically the 2nd one to date.

The Skirt

This skirt is just my personal tastes. I like very short skirts, especially in a world where there are no rules specifically stating indecent exposure. Heck, at this moment the skirt has 30 armor. It is another thing I am considering too. If I should either make the same outfit(s) one version as armor and the other as clothing or if I should just make all outfits into an armor version that's armor. It might be a nice change but no word yet on it - remember feedback is always considered. The skirt is short enough that you can see her butt checks a bit but long enough where her panties are not just showing without effort - though will show with little effort. Love fantasy! No rules to make skimpy armor super protective. Though one wonders, in a world with lack of resources to make full armor, you'd think they'd make with they can with minimal usage of limited resources - skimpy armor explained? :D


I've made the shoes with difference in mind. I'll be honest, they are not at all my best pair of shoes. Actually they are not even perfectly even and I took a couple of short cuts that I partially regret, but I feel that this is good as I needed experience making closed toed heels. Ideally, making closed toe shoes may be thought of easy for some and maybe it is, but for me it's not. I have a strange style of meshing the shoes that are more conducive of making open toed shows. That and I feel that making open toed shoes are great because they allow the toes to show and after a girl spends hours getting a pedicure, why would she not want to show off her toes? I know I would. None the less, I could of used already released meshes, as there are many of them like this out there; most specifically the platform heels - which seem to pop up everywhere. Granted, I am going to be reworking and adding more already made resources, I just get a much better joy out of modeling them myself, even if they don't look as good.

Overall, the outfit is actually far from done, but I will keep at it. One thing that I need to do is rework the weighting. I feel like a lot of it is not really done well and I might make some minor touch ups to the corset especially. I will also make panties for this. I do currently have panties for my version, but again, it is not what others would want, so I'll have to work something out.

I also recall that some time ago, I took a poll of if people want more deferential textures or more color combos. According to the poll, it seems that less is more. People prefer me to make more quality textures than just recoloring them. I agree with this because it will allow me to improve my texturing. Currently, the textures are not 100% seamless and might not be. I am always seeking a good way to get seamless textures. I'll also see about fixing the unsightly seam from the legs to the feet. There is one that exists in the non combined version.

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