
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Double bodied mods

In my verge to Merge mods (to make space for more :p) I am now doing a major project to reconvert all my mods to to of my other body types that I am using for Oblivion. So I have lots of work to do and I figured it would be best to work from A-Z so I am currently on B Battle China Dress made by Kurese I realize that I am going into a much more complex style of moding. With this mode just for the lower body it requires me to do several conversions piece by piece (expected). So I spent some time doing it and this is what I got.

My foot was clipping past the shoes. I spent about 1.5 hours last night and about 10 minutes this morning to figure out why this did not work but more on that later. Last night I was making the shoes and stockings bigger and absolutely nothing was doing it. I even got to a point where the foot was just completely unfitted with the shoe. I was frustrated and went to bed. This morning I woke up struggled for 6 minutes then it finally hit me. THIS OUTFIT HAS LOWER BODY AND FOOT!!!. I do recall NOT setting it in my construction set so I went in to dig into the issue.
There's my problem I forgot to set the outfit to be LowerBody and Foot so my original body foot was going through and clipping past the modded outfits foot and shoe which is defaulted simply as the "foot" of the mod. Remembering what I often mention "The clothing becomes the new body"

This is the final lower/foot body. All set I am officially happy now. I have to remember these things in the future so I can save time. I need to make combo mods cause I am so out of space for extra mods :(. Now to work up the top.

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